Dog Boarding in our Canine Cottage
Overnight Boarding:
1 Dog -$21.95/night + GST
2 Dogs (same Kennel only) - $38.95 + GST
3 Dogs (same Kennel only) - $52.95 + GST
Day Boarding:
1 Dog -$19.50/night + GST
2 Dogs (same Kennel only) - $36.00 + GST
3 Dogs (same Kennel only) - $48.00 + GST
*If you request to have your pets separated they will not be eligible for the multiple dog rates but you will receive a $1.50 discount for each additional dog per night (First dog will be billed at full rate).
Services included in Dog Boarding Prices:
4 daily leash walks to our outside runs for exercise/ bathroom breaks; One playtime lasting a minimum of 15 minutes daily; Administration of all medications as required; Feedings as required; bowls, bedding and toys supplied by our facility.

Cat Boarding in "The Loft"
1 Cat- $20.95 + GST
Multiple Cats (from same family only) $2.00 discount for each additional cat per night (First cat at full rate)
Services included in Cat Boarding Prices:
Minimum of 2hrs exercise in our cattery daily; Litter and litter boxes; bowls, bedding and toys provided by our facility.
*10% discount on all stays lasting 6 nights or longer*
*10 % discount applies after 5 days for dayboarding (Mon-Fri)*
Minimum Boarding Requirements
All pets must be up to date on vaccinations (within the last 12 mths) or produce a valid titer test.
Kennel Cough (Bordatella) vaccinations and flea and tick preventatives are strongly recommended
Owners must provide all food and medication

Groom and Board Packages
(Full grooms only, subject to scheduling availability)
For stays 5 nights or less you will receive 10% off the total grooming price when you combine it with boarding.
For stays 6 nights or greater you will receive 1 nights boarding free of charge (valid only for the pet being groomed).